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Headline data

Target name By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations
Indicator name Share of population that have piped water system and indoor toilet in their dwellings
Global / Proxy indicator Proxy indicator
Description of indicator This indicator shows the proportion of the population that has an indoor toilet and piped water system in the house they live in. The indicator is disseminated separately as sub-indicators for the proportion of the population with a piped water system and the proportion of the population having an indoor toilet in the house.
Unit (%)
Available disaggregation -
Calculation Share of population having piped water system = Population with a piped water system / Total population * 100
Share of population having indoor toilet = Population with an indoor toilet in the house / Total population * 100
Comparability Comparable over time.
Revision -
Other information -
Data source TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey (SILC)
Data source link https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Kategori/GetKategori?p=gelir-yasam-tuketim-ve-yoksulluk-107&dil=2
Sample coverage The address frame used in the sample selection of the research is the National Address Database, which was created in 2007 and updated. During the creation of the sampling frame, the database was divided into clusters containing an average of 100 addresses (between 80 and 120). The framework, which does not include population in institutional places, is updated twice a year.
Sample size In the 2019 Income and Living Conditions Survey, a total of 26 732 households were visited. Of these households; A survey was conducted with 24 924 of them, and the remaining 1 808 households could not be surveyed for various reasons.

In the 2020 Income and Living Conditions Survey, a total of 27 437 households were visited. Of these households; A survey was conducted with 25 706 of them, and the remaining 1 731 households could not be surveyed for various reasons.

In the 2021 Income and Living Conditions Survey, a total of 28 064 households were visited. Of these households; A survey was conducted with 26 289 of them, and the remaining 1 775 households could not be surveyed for various reasons.
Interview method Computer asisted personal interview (CAPI) method is applied in 2019.
Telephone asisted personal interview (CATI) method is applied in 2020.
Computer asisted personal interview (CAPI) method is applied in 2021.
Reference period for application of survey The "previous calendar year" data is compiled as the reference in the period by the time the data is published, but the living conditions indicators have been questioned according to the situation at the time of the survey.
Field survey time and duration Field survey is applied between March and July of the following year and lasts about 5 months.

This table provides information on metadata for SDG indicators as defined by the UN Statistical Commission. Complete global metadata is provided by the UN Statistics Division.

Target name By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations
Indicator name Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services, including a handwashing facility with soap and water
Designated tier Tier II
Custodian agency United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
World Health Organization (WHO)
Link to the global metadata of this indicator https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/metadata/files/Metadata-06-02-01a.pdf https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/metadata/files/Metadata-06-02-01b.pdf