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Headline data

Target name Adopt measures to ensure the proper functioning of food commodity markets and their derivatives and facilitate timely access to market information, including on food reserves, in order to help limit extreme food price volatility
Indicator name Indicator of food price anomalies
Global / Proxy indicator Global indicator
Description of indicator The indicator detects abnormal food price increases of seven main food commodity (rice, wheat flour, bulghur, haricot bean, red lentil, potato and egg) which covered in Consumer Price Index (CPI) according to the FAO's international methodology. The indicator directly evaluates growth in prices over a particular month over many years, taking into account seasonality in agricultural markets and inflation, allowing to answer the question of whether or not a change in price is abnormal for any particular period.
Three levels are defined for the indicator:
(IFPA)y < 0.5 is considered as normal price change,
0.5≤(IFPA)y < 1 is considered as moderately high price growth,
(IFPA)y≥1 is considered as abnormally high price growth.
Unit (Annual Price Anomaly Indicator Value)
Available disaggregation -
Calculation (CAGR) t = [P (t_B) / P (t_A)) ^ (1 / (t_B-t_A)] - 1
(IFPA) yt = [(CAGR) yt - average (W_CAGR) _t] / σ (W_CAGR)
P (t_B): Price at the end of the period
P (t_A): Price at the beginning of the period
(t_B-t_A): The time in months between periods A and B
CAGR: Compound annual growth rate
average (W_CAGR): Weighted average of compound annual growth rate.
σ (W_CAGR): Weighted standard deviation of compound annual growth rate
(IFPA) y: Indicator of Food Price Anomalies
Comparability Comparable over time. Produced in full compliance with global metadata.
Revision -
Other information Indicator values are computed by using FAO tool.
Data source TurkStat, Consumer Price Index (CPI, 2003=100) price and indice data
Data source link https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Kategori/GetKategori?p=enflasyon-ve-fiyat-106&dil=2
Sample coverage Population coverage: Index coverage of the population is the whole population of Turkey without any groupings according to income level or geographical areas.
Geographical coverage: All of the final monetary consumptions of the households, foreign visitors and institutional population are taken into account.
Price Coverage: Price coverage of index is constituted of purchasing prices. The prices of goods and services included within the index are retail prices including taxes but excluding any deposits and installments.
Sample size In 2003=100 based CPI, all of the final monetary consumption expenditures made for the consumption of goods and services in the domestic markets are taken as bases. In the index 225 district centers consisted all of the 81 city centers are included. 550 632 prices are compiled from 27 980 outlets in a month and 4 274 tenants are included in the scope of the index.
Interview method Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) ; Compilation by using administrative data
Reference period for application of survey Prices of fresh fruit, vegetables, fee paid for watching sport games (football), LPG, tube gas and 16 specific items are collected once a week; other prices are collected twice a month. Prices of cigarettes, jewelry (gold), diesel and petrol products are collected on daily basis.
Field survey time and duration In all 12 months of the current year, data are collected every day in a month, 4 times a month, and for most of the items in the basket 2 times a month depending on the type of item.

This table provides information on metadata for SDG indicators as defined by the UN Statistical Commission. Complete global metadata is provided by the UN Statistics Division.

Target name

Adopt measures to ensure the proper functioning of food commodity markets and their derivatives and facilitate timely access to market information, including on food reserves, in order to help limit extreme food price volatility

Indicator name

Indicator of food price anomalies

Designated tier

Tier I

Custodian agency

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Link to the global metadata of this indicator https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/metadata/files/Metadata-02-0c-01.pdf